Intern Program

This program is offered for those who want to work in the field of childcare. It begins with paid work experience with pre-school children under the supervision of a teacher. It includes on-site training in child development, the HighScope Curriculum Approach, Conscious Discipline and professional development counseling. Applicants to the intern program must have a regular high school diploma or GED. Some college course work in child development is preferred. Applicants must be enrolled in or be willing to enroll in college courses to attain a CDA, certification or AA in child development.
Bus Aide/Trainee Program
This is an entry-level program offering employ-ability skills. Bus Aid/Trainees ride the buses to escort children. Most work part-time. Some, in addition to riding a bus to/from the center, work a few hours in other areas of the agency. First priority is given to parents of Head Start and Early Head Start children. Applicants for Bus Aide/Trainee must have a high school diploma or GED and be age 19 or older. They must be able to get on/off buses and assist children on and off the bus and, if needed, with emergency exits. They must be able to sign children on/off the bus and in and out of classrooms accurately, efficiently and with a positive attitude toward children, parents and staff.
On-going Staff Training
ACHR considers quality to be the foundation of everything we do. Professional development days are included in the agency calendar. One essential element is staff whose training is broad and up-to-date. ACHR sends key staff to a variety of trainings and workshops, and supports participation in job-related webinars.
Specific to classroom staff, ACHR has two HighScope Trainers of Teachers. Both are also trained in The Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers (PITC) developed by West Ed and have attended many hours of Conscious Discipline training. These staff provide training to Head Start and Early Head Start teachers, interns and parents. ACHR also has nine staff certified in the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). CLASS is an observational tool through which trained staff help teachers improve the quality of their classrooms.