Your County: * Lee Russell
Your City: * Auburn Opelika Hurtsburo Other
If other, please list:
Your Zip Code: *
Gender: * Male Female
Marital Status: * Single Married Seperated Divorced Widowed
Total number of people living in your household: *
Ages of each person living in your household: *
Numbers *
Numbers *
Your monthly household income: * $500 or less $501 - $1000 $1001 - $1500 $1501 - $2000 over $2000
Race: * American Indian/Alaska Native Arab American Asian American Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Black/African American White Other
If other, please specify:
Hispanic/Latino: * Yes No
1. Due to school and childcare closings, are you or anyone in your household having to stay at home and care for the children in your household instead of going to work? * Yes No
1b. If other, please specify:
2. Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for COVID-19? * Yes No
2a. If yes, how many:
2b. Did anyone have to be hospitalized? * Yes No
2c. If yes, how many:
2d. If yes, please list their age(s):
2e. Did anyone die from the virus? * Yes No
2f. If yes, how many:
2h. If yes, please list their age(s):
3. Have you or anyone in your household been laid off from a job due to the economic shutdown? * Yes No
3a. If yes, how many:
4. Is your household’s total monthly income less now than it was prior to the economic shutdown? * Yes No
4a. If yes, how much less:
7. Have you or anyone in your household received any type of assistance—financial or otherwise—from any government, church, non-profit, etc. entity during the COVID-19 crisis? * Yes No
7a. If yes, what type of assistance:
7b. If no, please specify: A. Did not request B. Applied but turned down
7c. Please list the type of assistance you were turned down:
7d. Please state the reason:
8. Please describe what impact has the COVID-19 crisis had on you and your household.
9. What are you and your household’s greatest needs during the COVID-19 period? (including non- financial needs)