CACFP-FDCH Online Submission information, Resources and Documents
Registration Form for 2022 Family Day Care Homes Training on September 13, 2022
What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program, or CACFP?

The Alabama Council on Human Relations, Inc. sponsors the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in Lee, Macon, Russell and Bullock counties of Alabama.
CACFP is a part of the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and the National School Lunch Act(NSLA), USDA and the State Department of Education in Alabama.

This program reimburses licensed child care centers and family day care home providers who offer nutritious meals and snacks to children while in care.
The rate of Reimbursement is set by USDA annually based on area eligibility or school districts.
Who can participate?
Licensed daycare centers, public or private nonprofit, and other institutions licensed or approved to provide childcare services are eligible to participate in CACFP and claim reimbursement for meals. The meals served must meet minimum standards established by USDA to be eligible for reimbursement
Can I feed my own children?
As a family or group Child Care Home Provider, you may claim your own children when you meet the conditions below:
(1) Your children are enrolled in and participating in the childcare program during the time of meal services.
(2) Enrolled non-resident children are present and participating in the childcare program
(3) Your family meets the family-size income standard free or reduced-priced meals guidelines and an eligibility application has been completed and submitted to the sponsoring organization for approval. This is required annually to continue claiming your children.
How can my day care home participate?
If you have a Family or Group Day Care Home, or a non-affiliated center in Lee, Macon, Russell, or Bullock County and have a license through the Alabama Department of Human Resources to operate a child care home or center.
Click to view CACFP Non Discrimination statement
For more information contact us and ask to speak with Earl Tarver or email: