Discipline is not something you do to children, it is something that you develop within them
Dr. Becky Baily
Conscious Discipline (CD) is a “Trauma informed social and emotional learning” tool that ACHR uses in our Child Development Programs, including both Head Start and Early Head Start.

Parents are their children’s first and most important teacher. Children look up to their parents and do what they do. If you like to clean, most likely your little one will too. That is why it is important for parents and teachers to work together to help the child learn, and to reach his/her greatest potential.
That is why as the children learn skills, we send home information to the parents so they will understand why a child is blowing up like a balloon and releasing! That is why at least once a year we offer parents the opportunity to learn to use Conscious Discipline. CD has been known to benefit us adults, as well as children.

CD first provides adults ways to learn new skills and behaviors to help them feel safe, connected, and empowered. Adults then can create a positive environment for the children, families, and community served. Teachers learn to create a “healthy school family” in their classrooms. A healthy school family helps children feel safe (physically and emotionally), secure and connected so the classroom becomes a supportive place to learn.
Conscious Discipline teaches children to manage their emotions, behavior and body movement when they are faced with a situation that is tough to handle. In addition, it allows them to do that while staying focused and paying attention. Children learn how to figure out that they need to calm themselves down when they get upset. They learn to be flexible when expectations change and they can resist giving in to frustrated outbursts.
When we again offer a series of classes (you cannot learn this in one sitting), please think about signing up and joining us. The information can be well worth your time and effort.
To learn more about our Conscious Discipline Parenting classes, contact us or email natalie.stephens@achr.com