CSBG, Energy Assistance (ABC, LIHEAP, SPIRE), EFSP and Weatherization
- Community Service Block Grant ( CSBG
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Programs (LIHEAP)
- Alabama Business Charitable Trust Fund Programs (ABC)
- Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)
- Dollar Help (SPIRE)
Funds for these programs are limited. Programs are offered only when funding is available. Each program has income and other qualifications mandated by the funding source.
To receive services, for each program, applicants must make an appointment, meet income and other requirements. Applicants must provide ALL documentation required for each program offered or we cannot provide services.
To Apply for assistance click here
Energy Assistance: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Alabama Business Charitable Trust Fund (ABC), SPIRE
The LIHEAP Program assists low-income Lee County residents with energy costs. This program helps families remain safe and healthy during the winter and summer. Assistance is limited. The program is offered when funding is available. This program also provides energy counseling to help residents reduce the cost of energy, build a relationship with their energy supplier, and learn ways to prevent cooling or energy loss in their home. There is an income requirement.

The Alabama Business Charitable Trust Fund, an Alabama Power Foundation, offers funds for energy counseling for participants with limited incomes so they can learn to reduce power bills. In addition, the Trust provides funds for assistance with power bills to supplement LIHEAP and funds to assist with Weatherization. There is an income requirement.

The appointment scheduler (Internet and phone) will only work during months when funding is available. It will open the last week of the current month to schedule an appointment for the following month.
If all appointment slots are full, the scheduler will close. Keep checking back. If someone cancels an appointment, the scheduler will reopen.
Weatherization Program
As funds allow, staff coordinate the provision of needed insulation, caulking, and other services to reduce energy consumption.
When an individual applies, ACHR staff will assess homes or mobile homes owned by individuals living with low incomes. Both the individual and the home must qualify. For example, a home with holes in the roof will not qualify for weatherization. The Weatherization program does not allow us to use funds to repair roofs, repair holes elsewhere, build ramps, etc.
We have a waiting list for weatherization. Applicants must update their information each year to remain on the list.
For information about any of these programs or for an appointment for Weatherization, contact us.