Our Nationally recognized HUD Housing Counselor , Ms. Tabitha Perry, along with her staff gives individuals and families information about safe, affordable housing. She can assist in resolving problems related to fair housing, home ownership, budgeting, mortgage default, rent delinquency and many other areas. The Housing Counselor provides individual counseling sessions by appointment. The office is located at the Frankie B. King Center in Auburn.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) certifies ACHR as a HUD Approved Housing Counseling agency.

Services are offered to homebuyers, homeowners and renters. These services can assist in improving housing conditions. Services also can assist clients in learning to meet the responsibilities of home ownership and tenancy.

Many clients have more than one issue contributing to problems with housing. They need affordable housing. They also may need assistance with other areas. These areas may include literacy, education and training, budget and money management skills, social skills, health and nutrition, parenting, and childcare.
ACHR offers clients a range of services to meet those needs. Services in Lee County include Early Head Start, Head Start, wraparound childcare, energy assistance, weatherization, and affordable housing. The Housing Counselor can help clients access these resources.

In addition, the Housing Counselor works cooperatively with and makes referrals to sources in the community.
For more information or to ask our Housing Counseling program, please contact us