

Our office offers 650 appointments per month, but we have already made over 1500 applications for this month.

Several clients are taking handfuls of applications from the dropbox and are leaving none for others. The applications are changed monthly so the additional applications that are being taken from the dropbox will not be accepted for future appointments!

Please only take 1 application per household during the time of your appointment. If we receive an old application during your appointment we will not process it and will request for you to make a new appointment.


Temporarily closing



            By Janet Burns

Determination “firmness of purpose; resoluteness.”   Determined “intention or resolution to overcome obstacles” from Webster’s dictionary.

As most of you who know me know, I am not much of a sports fan.  What you probably do not know is that sometimes I do read the sports page.  Through reading the sports page, I have learned a lot of things.  One of those things is that without participation and effort from all members of the team working together and supporting each other, no matter what the sport (even gymnastics, which I thought was individual), most of the time they do not do well.

 It applies to our work team at ACHR.  We need all of us, all “players” determined to work together in support of the agency, the programs and of each other to provide quality services to children and families to do it well.  When you think about it, it applies when we as human beings are trying to accomplish something that involves a group, large or small, in any work place, as members of a family, in faith groups, clubs and so on.

Saturday evening I was working at my computer and saw a headline that the Auburn basketball team had won against Kentucky.  Amazing, at least to me, since I never thought of AU as a basketball power.  As I scanned through one of the early articles, I read that AU players missed eight baskets in a row and were behind, but they were determined and kept shooting. 

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Sounds like after missing eight shots they should have just quit – given up.  Said to Kentucky –“you win.”

Though I do not follow basketball, I would guess that actually the team was not doing exactly the same thing over again.  It seems various players have strengths and weakness and some things they do that are “special” like get the ball down the court to someone else who can shoot better.  All the players had the determination to keep going, worked together, got the ball closer and shot from different angles – and eventually among them, they hit enough baskets to win against Kentucky.

I read the next day that someone asked Coach Pearl if the AU team has moved from a “good team” which is what he had been saying the team was, to a “great team.”  He hedged and said something like they were becoming great, but still had work to do. 

That is us at ACHR.  We are good, but we have work to do to become the great program that we can be.

Then Monday I read about the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl for the first time in 50 years after being behind in the third quarter 20-10.  Wow!  From the OA News “We never lost faith,” Mahomes said.  “That’s the biggest thing.  Everybody on this team, no one had their head down.  We believed in each other.” 

It is easy to get frustrated – to say it is just too much, we cannot do it, we walk off, or shut down, or sit and just watch, or talk ill of those who are trying instead of supporting or guiding them.  I feel that way sometimes and I am sure many of you do, too. Then I regroup and try again, because I am determined that this program be a great asset to our community. Several folks at ACHR are doing that, but like in sports, we need the whole team. If we work together as a team, and each of us support each other, get the “ball” closer, take some shots at the goals from different angles, and keep doing it, I am confident that we, like the AU basketball team on February 1, 2020, will get it “right.”  Then the programs we have will be a “great” instead of “good” asset to children, families and the community, which is our goal.  Are you determined to help make that happen?


The Main Thing

   By Janet Burns

Over my late husband’s desk was framed calligraphy on parchment that said. “The Main Thing is to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing.”  He had had it since before we met in graduate school.  I did not think much of it at the time; somewhat silly, really.  It was just one of the ever-popular 70’s items in lovely print to hang on a wall. 

Over the years, as I would notice it in his office, it grew on me.  After he died last year, I have begun to reorganize our home it to make it more workable for me.  I hung that piece of calligraphy over my desk where I can see it as I work at my computer. 

I have taken it to heart, both in my personal and in my work life. It has helped me focus. That framed statement already has gotten me though a lot.  It makes the complexities and challenges of life seem a little simpler. In my personal life it means I will find time for church almost every week, I will write notes to people who are hurting, I will eat healthy and I will organize one part of a closet and one type of thing at a time, not try to do it all at once  That is it for now.  Things that are not the “Main Thing” simply have to wait. It saddens me how many things I should have thanked Mark for – and did not, but that is for another time.

What does “The Main Thing is to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing” mean to us at ACHR? 

If we look at the ACHR Mission Statement and our history at ACHR, we could say any of the following: “The Main Thing is to help children, families and clients.”  “The Main Thing is to provide good service, so we need to be well-trained act accordingly.”  “The Main Thing is to advocate for the needs of others.”  “The Main Thing is to help children and adults become more resilient.” You can probably add to that list.

For myself, I have decided that, right now, with all that is coming, like it or not, the Main Thing is to work together smoothly and with respect for all, to meet ALL rules, regulations and laws the agency must work under, on time, every time and as efficiently/effectively as possible so that we will be here to do the things in the paragraph above. 

Why is that the Main Thing?  If each of us in the agency does our part in fulfilling that Main Thing, everything else will follow.  We will have up-to-date complete records, buildings and buses that are kept up, clean audits, provide good child/family/client services including advocacy, all done with caring and support of one another. 

The “fallout” will be that because the things above happen we will receive compliments, get and keep full enrollment in programs, positive audits, and good evaluations (both programs and staff).  As individuals, we will be happier because this will be a more positive place to be.  Parts of these things already are happening.  Let’s work together to make it ALL happen.


Nutrition Tip of the Day – Get more fruit in your diet

By Natalie Stephens RD LD, CFI

If you are craving sweets, but still are trying to watch your weight, berries are a GREAT source of vitamins and minerals and they count as one of the recommended 3 fruits eaten per day!

Blueberries (or any berries) and Whip cream is an AWESOME (nutritious and low calorie) summer snack!!!