“If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much.”
Marion Wright Edelman
ACHR’S Child Development Program provides a variety of services for children ages 0-12 years and their families living in Alabama’s Lee and Russell Counties.
Child Development Programs:

Services for children ages 3-5 in families living with low income in Lee and rural Russell county, Alabama.

Early Head Start– center based
Services for children ages 0-3 living in Lee and rural Russell Counties.

Services for pregnant women (including teens) and children ages 0-3 living in Lee and rural Russell Counties. All services for pregnant women are provided at home, and for teens, sometimes school.

Wraparound care (before and after school and during the summer) is provided through the voucher program or on a sliding fee scale for some HS and EHS children and their brothers and sisters.
We believe each child is a unique individual with his/her own experiences and needs. For a child to be able to take the steps needed for optimum development, he/she must feel safe, accepted, and competent in a nurturing, encouraging, supportive and challenging environment. ACHR’s staff strive to provide that kind of environment for each child.
Children who feel safe, secure, and supported at both the center and at home develop skills more quickly. Therefore, ACHR staff also work with interested families.
What services does ACHR’s Child Development Program (ACHR -CDP) provide?