ACHR’s wrap-around program serves children ages 0-12 at Darden Center in Opelika and Marian Wright Edelman Center in rural Russell County, Alabama.

Wrap-around childcare to parents who are working or in school and need daycare. Hours are 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., and full day during the summer and winter holiday period. (Hours at Edelman are slightly different.) Vouchers are accepted. If the child does not have vouchers, we accept payment on a sliding fee scale. Transportation can be provided to and from Opelika City Schools on written request.
Key Benefits
- High Scope Curriculum allows and encourages each child to develop at his/her own pace.
- Conscious Discipline curriculum assists children with learning self-regulation.
- Child Care provided in a central location for families with children of various ages so that the parent has only one pick up in the evening.
- During the summer months, the childcare program at Darden Center for older children includes a wide variety of activities and events.
- Computers and some after school tutoring provided for school aged children. We are very proud that many of these children are on their schools’ honor rolls and/or receive various awards.