Early Head Start serves more than 80 pregnant women, infants and toddlers.
Information about required Health Documents (Physical and Dental Exam) needed for Early Head Start

Services are based at Darden, in Opelika, Alabama and Edelman Center, in Hurtsburo, Alabama. ACHR’s EHS program is a unique combination of center-based and home-based models.
The Center Based Program serves infants and toddlers in a multi-age grouping with one teacher and four children and is available to mothers who are working or in school.

Early Head Start has an income guideline. Ten percent of the children can be over the income limit. Children are accepted to the program based on a priority points system, following Federal rules.
We are accept and welcome children who have diagnosed special needs who otherwise might not be eligible.
Key Benefits
- Multi-age model used in the center classrooms allows children from one family to stay together and children of different ages to learn from one another; in addition, the model eliminates the need to wait for a slot to open in a particular age group.
- HighScope Curriculum used as foundation, along with other curricula including The Program for Infants and Toddlers and Healthy Babies.
- Wraparound care offered in each center through vouchers or on sliding fee scale to parents who need childcare before 8:00 a.m. and/or after 1:30 p.m. and during the summer.
- Linkage to additional services such as health care and services for children who have special needs.
- Opportunity for parents to serve on parent or policy-making committees and to gain experience in advocacy.
Click to learn more about Early Head Start in general