Early Head Start – Home based program


Early Head Start home based serves more than 80 pregnant moms, infants, and toddlers in Lee and Russell Counties.

Information about required Health Documents (Physical and Dental Exam) needed for Early Head Start

The EHS Home Based Program uses the Partners for a Healthy Baby curriculum to provide child development and parent support services to pregnant women and families with children birth to three years old.  These FREE services are provided through weekly home visits and group socialization activities for parents and their children.

            Activities and Opportunities Offered:

· Prenatal/Postpartum Support and Education

· Parent-Child Learning Activities

· Developmental Screenings

· Positive Discipline and Guidance

· Small Group Socials with Other Parents and Children

· Mental Wellness Support

· Connect Families to Community Resources

· Parent Training Opportunities

· Support for Children with Special Needs

ACHR’s EHS home based program also provides educational services to pregnant teens and teen parents in the Lee and Russell County school systems.  Through a partnership with the RIF Shared Beginnings literacy program, teen parents and their children receive books and engage in fun activities promoting early language and  literacy.  The Shared Beginnings curriculum focuses on a variety of topics chosen based upon recent brain research.  The topics include the importance of talking, and singing to you baby, rhyming and rocking, story telling, writing and drawing, choosing books and reading aloud.

Click to learn more about Early Head Start – home based option

Performance Standards

Head Start Program Performance Standards (August 2024)

DHR Performance Standards (September 2021)