We welcome children who have special needs, no matter how special, to both Head Start and Early Head Start.

We encourage parents to enroll children who have challenges, no matter what that challenge is. ACHR has had that philosophy since the early years of our Head Start program. We believe that everyone should be accepted, welcomed and assisted as needed. The preschool years are an important time for growth and learning. These years build the foundation a child needs to succeed in school – and in life.
ACHR employs an Intervention/Behavior Specialist to help our children and families navigate through Early/Head Start, access any services needed beyond the classroom and transition to receive needed Special Services from the public school systems and/or other outside agencies. This staff member also assists when children have challenging behaviors.
If your child already has a diagnosis, please give us copies of records or sign a release so our staff can request records.

If you have concerns about your child’s learning, speech/language, motor skills or behavior tell your child’s Teacher, the Center Educator, or your Family Engagement Advocate /Home Based Parent Educator. Staff will advise you and if needed will help you make a referral for evaluation.
In addition, with parent permission, ACHR and/or school system staff and other partners screen every child to see if the child may have a special need. If results indicate a concern, staff will contact the parent.
Creative Curriculum is based on child development principals that encourage both periods of individual attention and group interaction. Because of individualization combined with group activities, Creative Curriculum is ideal for children with special needs. Children are encouraged but not forced to participate.
Some children have more difficulty than others in developing skills needed to learn effectively in kindergarten. Children with more difficult behavior often have trouble developing relationships with new adults and children. They may refuse to follow the teacher’s directions, act impulsively, or have tantrums. As needed, staff will ask parents to work with us in helping their children with behavior.
One of our goals is to help all of our children be able to manage and express their feelings, increase control of their impulses, and develop an inner sense of right and wrong behaviors. Staff use the Conscious Discipline curriculum to assist children with these skills.