Would you like to join the ACHR family?
Do you enjoy working with children and families who have challenges? Do you like the idea of supporting staff who work directly with clients, families and children? Do you like working with a program that is vital to some members of our community? Do you like making a difference in someone’s life?
If so, please apply to join the ACHR family.
ACHR is a rewarding and a challenging place to work. We receive state and federal funding so we must meet many sets of regulations to maintain our programs all of which are very important to members of the community we serve. Because of the many regulations, these jobs take time to learn. One core value of ACHR is furthering education and training. Staff works with new employees to provide necessary help and training along the way.
How to Apply:

Click on the image above and it will redirect you to Indeed!
Benefits: ACHR offers excellent benefits for most regular positions including:
Eight Paid Holidays. Starts at hire date.
Three Paid Days Bereavement for Close Family. Starts at hire date.
Employer-Paid BC/BS Health, Dental and Vision Insurance (family coverage optional; paid by employee) Starts after 90 days.
Defined Benefits Retirement Plan. Starts in June or December after one year of employment.
Annual Leave (accrue a day for each month worked). Can take after 6 months introductory period.
Sick Leave (accrue a day for each month worked; can accrue up to 60 days). Can take after 6 months introductory period.
Life Insurance
Ongoing Training (paid by employer; some in-house, some away at workshops & conferences).
Release Time to attend Higher Education(can be negotiated, depending on position and degree seeking.)
All positions require reliable attendance, good written and oral communication and computer skills; most positions require college degrees or certificates as listed. Classroom-related positions also require good skills with children/families.
Preference is given to qualified bilingual (especially Spanish speaking) applicants, especially in classroom positions.
Required Documents:
Because our staff work with or near children, we must require a Criminal Background Check (CBC) (with fingerprints cleared through the ABI and FBI using DHR’s system through COGENT), clear child abuse and sex offender checks and a medical report & TB skin test on the Department of Human Resources Form. (Cost for the CBC, Medical and TB is approximately $123.00.)
We also require proof of education (diploma – bring original & we will make a copy). Classroom positions also may require transcript. These items, as well as three work references, MUST be completed before selection for employment. Some positions (Bus Driver and some maintenance/janitorial positions) require that staff drive and require a clear (or nearly) clear Motor Vehicle Record (MVR).