In addition the need for in-kind, once we have met payroll, purchased everything needed to meet regulations and children’s needs, done maintenance and repairs and provided transportation, there is not a lot left for “extras” like computers and new playground items that can help children learn.
Ways Donate Money – Even When You are Shopping for Yourself
1. Sign up with Kroger Community Rewards or Amazon Smile.
Designate Alabama Council on Human Relations (ACHR) as the agency you want a small percentage of your purchase to be donated to (no added cost to you.

2. Send a check to ACHR at Box 3770, Auburn, Alabama, 36831-3770
You can designate it for a special project, such as playground improvements, or general fund.
If you want to donate in honor of, in memory of someone, or for a special occasion, please enclose a note with the occasion, name and who you would like us to send a note to with a thank you (we don’t disclose the amount).