Volunteer in a classroom or on a playground

Our pre-school classrooms have a child-staff ratio of eight or nine to one, which is excellent. However, some children need one-on-one attention during part of the day to learn the skills they need to enter kindergarten.
All children benefit from the enrichment that a special activity can bring. (Play the guitar. Do a little magic. Share the secrets of something mysterious that you are passionate about – like how to make your own paper.)
Other ways to volunteer in our classrooms:

- Read to a child.
- Teach a craft.
- Perform a classroom concert.
- Share a creative activity.
- Be a special friend to a child with a disability
- Help with outdoor games or water play
If you come once, you do not need anything special except to let us know you are coming and what you hope to help with. If you can and plan to volunteer in our classrooms multiple times, then the Department of Human Resources requires several documents including a health check and a background check (fingerprints) to be completed and on file.
Or Volunteer Outside the Classroom

In some areas, there is simply more work to do than there are hands to do it. Can you paint a piece of playground equipment or a wall? Pull weeds? Loosen mulch in a fall zone? There are lots of possibilities, including those below:
- Plan an informative workshop for a small group of parents (how to save money; how to manage a bank account; cooking demonstration; first aid in the home; safety at home
- Help sort/arrange donated in-kind at the Sunshine Shop
- Help review/revise our website
- Help with a building maintenance/repair projects
- Help with a grounds maintenance project
- Work in an ACHR community garden
- Help re-work a bulletin board
Helping with tasks like those above can give staff an amazing “lift” as well as provide much needed in-kind.
If you have any questions or want more information, contact us.